Digital Literacy Conference #sotondiglit
April 23, 2012
by Lisa Harris
Centre for Innovation in Technology and Education
Digital Literacy Conference
14th June 2012, 10am – 4pm at Wide Lane, Southampton Airport
This FREE event (#sotondiglit) is open to staff, students and visitors who want to know more about how the ways in which we teach and learn are changing.
There will be ‘unkeynote’ sessions led by:
Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) from Sheffield Hallam University is an Educational Developer with a research interest in the use of social media in education
Doug Belshaw (@dajbelshaw) is from JISC infoNet where he researches open educational resources, mobile learning and digital literacies
Cristina Costa (@cristinacost) is from the University of Salford where she researches the implications of the social web for teaching, learning, research, and public engagement
Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth) is from the University of Plymouth and a prolific edublogger on the social and cultural impact of disruptive technologies in education
What is Digital Literacy and why should you care? J Digital technologies influence how we:
- collect, manage and evaluate online information
- build an online identity for personal or career development
- create and curate content in both written and visual media
- communicate for networking, collaboration and project management purposes
- deal with privacy and security issues
- participate in events remotely and face to face
Please get in touch with Fiona ( @fionajharvey) or Lisa ( @lisaharris) if you have a digital literacy project that you would like to discuss or demonstrate at this event. You can choose any of the following presentation options: Pecha kucha, BYO laptop, demonstration, poster, café session….
Categories: Other Events. Tags: #sotondiglit and digital literacy.